Thursday, April 9, 2009

More pictures from Japan

It's been a full out marketing and promotion for the album GENESIS. So far, Japanese fans enjoy listening to (in no particular order) tracks "Beautiful Life,""When You're in Love,""My Everything,""It's all about You," and "Do For You." It's cool to be displayed next to major label artists in different music stores. I even got my own huge poster! Sweet deal. I'll keep you all posted!


JJ Casas ( said...

niiice! i partake in that because i can say i took that photo!!! =) congrats man! that is totally awesome

Tina said...

WHOA! That is FREAKIN AMAZING! I had NO idea you were released in Japan!(more on that later..)

I just watched the Mother's Day vid and I AM JUICED! The quality is ridiculously good (not to mention, the quality of your pix from your photo shoot above is also, equally AMAZING). And, as a mother of 1--my 1 year old baby girl Quila Lol--I LOVE the song!

So, let's do another video already! I want to dance! Haha

Ok, and about Japan...I'm going to Japan on Tuesday, the 12th, til the 20th. So, I'm going to look for you! And take millions of pictures!

Love you, Kuya! You continue to amaze and inspire me...

<3, Tina

P.S. Hope you had fun in Vegas! =)